I did not think I was special.

For years, I struggled to be comfortable on my own skin, with my own thoughts.

I was taught you are supposed to be grateful for life, and I am. I am positive and I am happy. I have always been.

But there have been times when I was not okay. And I was not able to speak up about those feelings, those struggles.

I thought that, because I had everything in life, I had no right to be sad.

Girl, was I wrong.

2017 has been the year. I hit rock bottom and I learned that I had to build myself again. I needed to understand I was, indeed, special. And I had the right to be sad. Because we all do.

If I was going to be publicly demanding from society, from men, to treat me with respect and let me be free, I had to treat myself that same way.

I started reading. And writing. And I happened to join Women’s Republic.

I realized most of my struggles were coming from a much deeper place than just myself. That very many women shared those same thoughts, feelings and difficulties.

I realized I knew a lot but there was a whole lot more that I ignored. Still, my perspective was valuable. Furthermore, people even found what I wrote interesting, useful, funny at times.

I healed.

I realized most of my struggles were coming from a much deeper place than just myself. That very many women shared those same thoughts, feelings and difficulties.

I broke up with old habits that were taking up a space of my life that did not deserve to be taken by them.

I stood up for myself.

I stopped criticizing other women for doing exactly as they pleased.

I became friends with people I never thought I would.

I wrote.

I danced.

I felt free.

And all of that, girls, because of my very own personal love story with feminism.

2017 was my year for self-love, self-care, self-comprehension.

Let 2018 be yours, sister.