Domani Sharkey
Domani Sharkey is a human college student studying witchcraft (aka astrophysics) at Caltech. A night owl and frog enthusiast to the core, she also holds a love for books, writing, math, art, and Marvel movies. In her free time, she can be found abusing her local library's hospitality and testing the amount of hazelnut iced coffees one person can consume in a day before the effects are fatal.

Homophobic Heterosexual Hypocrisy

“They’re turning our children gay!” There are myriad aspects of the previous sentence that make it into a fallacy, but

Current Events/Politics

Say Good-Bye to Koalas

That’s right. Koalas have officially been declared “functionally extinct.” Bumblebees and giraffes have been added to the endangered species list.


I Want A Revolution

Why is it that tragedy and change go hand in hand? Why must there be mass suffering, mass death, mass

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