For over 125 years, Ferguson, Missouri, has had a multitude of mayors governing their city. Still, as of June 2020, it marks the first time in the city’s history that the people have elected not only a woman but a black woman. Ella Jones has lived in Ferguson for forty plus years and has actively advocated for her community. It seems as if there are still a lot of firsts that are happening all over the world when it comes to the black community making triumphs in industries everywhere. Just this past month Danielle Geathers, who attends MIT, was voted by her classmates as the student body president – this made headlines as she was the first-ever black woman to have won the vote.
Looking at the year 2020 in the grand scheme of things seems daunting and a bit grim. On the flip side, there have been many victories that deserve to be recognized. Rihanna becomes the worlds richest female musician in the world, Chef Mariya Russell is the only black woman in history to receive a Michelin Star, and the list goes on.
While we continue to see women of color making waves all over, let us carry on in advocating and voting for these women in hopes of changing the ideas of who ‘fits the bill’ of someone in the office, CEOs, business owners, and so forth. Ella Jones win comes at a time where most of the country is standing in unity to defend and honor the recently murdered George Floyd. All four officers have since been arrested – one with a second-degree murder charge.
This is a bittersweet moment for the black community as they can feel proud that all of the protesting, petitions, and donations are genuinely paving the way for some incredible acts of justice. On the other hand, some families are mourning the loss of a loved one. Breonna Taylor, who was murdered in her own home back in March, has had her case reopened. This is precisely what all of the blood, sweat, and tears have been about these past few days during the protesting in every single state and over 18 countries worldwide.
It is without a doubt that the United States has a long way to go. We will most likely always see bigotry and racism in some form, but let that not take away from all of the amazing things the black community has done along with their allies in fighting for justice and equality. There will be many more ‘firsts,’ and each one deserves to be celebrated as such.
Read also:
People Of Chicago Have Taken Justice Into Their Own Hands
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