More than a year after George Floyd’s murder, Minneapolis residents will vote on the future of their city’s police department.
We all know that racial issues have become political as of late. Both political parties view the Black Lives Matter
After the senseless killings of Geroge Floyd and Breonna Taylor last year, an uproar surged on social media. An online
A bicycle cruises easily across an unbroken plane. Its wheels spin smoothly, periodically, the spokes a hazy blur of uniform
“If you have come to help me you are wasting your time. But if you recognize that your liberation and
It’s been nearly a month since Disney made a landmark announcement: they are replacing their most well-known ride — Splash
You think that “Black Lives Matter” is a political angle. That Black lives already matter as much as white lives.
As I was heading out for a run a few days ago, my mom asked how long I thought I’d
The past month has felt as if the United States has been transported back to 1968. The senseless murders of