You will not be reported.

You will not feel ashamed.

You will never say “I’m sorry.”

You will never go to jail.

Yet, you raped her. 

You might not even know you are a rapist.

You might not even know what you did.

You might not even think about it.

You might have a good memory of this.

Yet, you raped her. 

You are a good man.

You are a good student.

You are a good athlete.

You are a good friend.

Yet, you raped her.

You are a rapist because you did not pay attention to her “no.”

You are a rapist because you insisted, even though she clearly stated how uninterested she was.

You are a rapist because you waited until she was drunk enough to lose her train of thought.

You are a rapist because you consciously decided to walk her home.

So, you raped her. 

You are a rapist because you did not stop when she told you so.

You are a rapist because, again, you ignored her “no.”

You are a rapist because you waited till you got off.

You are a rapist because later you just left her home.

So, you raped her.

She never screamed, I will give you that.

She never fought back.

She never cried.

She had never complained before that night.

Still, you raped her. 

No, she never told your friends (or her friends, anyhow).

No, she never went to the cops.

No, she did not stop partying up.

No, she did not change her life.

Still, you raped her. 

Yes, she had had sex with you before.

Yes, she agreed to walk home with you.

Yes, she was looking bomb that night.

Yes, she might have even kissed you back.

Still, you raped her.

And even though you will never be stigmatized, you will never suffer any consequences and your friends will never look at you any different…


And us… 

We will keep fighting until every woman on Earth who suffers sexual abuse has the courage and the support system behind her to let you know what you did and make you pay for her nightmares.

Stay woke, bro.

We will spit at you every time we see you because when you touch one of us, you touch all of us.