Sorry for your loss Next week is my grandma’s funeral. When I tell people this, I find myself downplaying it,
Biden won, Trump has been defeated. When CNN called the election on November 7th, many Americans finally let out a
I’m pressed to find someone who hasn’t been affected by the pandemic. Face masks and social distancing are the new
In this era of anxiousness and uncertainty, we turn to our closest friends and loved ones for support. But tensions
The COVID-19 pandemic has altered the ways of life, at least to some degree, for everyone in the world. We
In March, I left the University of Virginia for spring break. Volleyball training was at peak intensity, and I was
Since mid-March, the COVID-19 pandemic has dominated the front pages of every major news outlet. At the forefront of these
Trigger Warning: Sexual assault/rape, gender-based murder/violence On June 18, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa stated that a nationwide reopening was